(Notice on Advance Registration for Business Day)
- - Advance registration for Business Day of Tokyo Game Show 2014requires "Advance Registration Code" printed on the right side of "Business Days Registration Ticket".
- -Once registered, "Advance Registration Code" becomes invalid and cannot be used again.
- -To avoid errors in registered information, we strongly recommend the visitors input and check if registered information (Name, Company name, Address) is correct by themselves. Having somebody else to register information on behalf of the visitors should be discouraged.
You may be denied admission in case that your identification cannot be confirmed because of wrongly registered information.
- -In order to avoid improper use and distribution of "Business Days Registration Ticket". Tokyo Game Show management office records and tracks "Advance Registration Code". Please be careful of handling it.
- - Registration by "Business Days Registration Ticket" is strictly limited to the people in the game industry. People under the age of 18 and students are not allowed admission.
- - If you miss the deadline of registration, please take "Business Days Registration Ticket", two business cards and phot ID with you to the reception on Business Day. You will be admitted to the exhibition, though you may have to wait until your on-site registration process to be completed. Please note that you will be denied admission with the once-used "Business Days Registration Ticket".
- *Application deadline for advance registration is 24:00 on September 17th