Press Registration
To those who wish to apply for the press registration
Advance registration is scheduled to begin late July.
Please review the following media criteria and contact TGS Press Room tgs2019press@azw.co.jp to provide the following information;your company name, your media name, URL of your media, your department, your name, your contact information with the title of “Press Registration”.
※If you have already received press releases of TGS 2019, you do not need to provide those information.
※Press registration can be processed on the day, but we recommend advance online registration because it will take some time to verify the applicant and issue the press pass. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Media Criteria
Please note that your registration will be screened by the organizers to confirm that you fulfill our Media Criteria listed below. Press Registration will only be accepted for those who qualify.
1. An editor, journalist or photographer employed by a newspaper publisher or a publishing company that publishes and distributes a periodical publication approved as third-class mail.
2. An editor, journalist or photographer employed by a production company producing online news or operating an online information website set up by a corporate body.
3. A reporter or ENG crew member of a television program production company for a satellite and cable television channel.
4. A reporter or staff member of a radio program production company.
5. A writer or photographer intends to write about/edit material about/shoot the Show by one of the entities (or its editorial department) listed above.
※Please note that press registration may be declined by the Management Office in case applicants are regarded not in a relevant position to cover Tokyo Game Show.
※The people in following criteria are NOT eligible:
Individual bloggers; employees of advertising/PR agencies; those responsible for advertising and sales at newspaper companies/publishers/television stations/radio stations (including those working for the exhibitors); and employees of research companies and securities company analysts.
※Please be advised that If TGS Management office judge that you do not fulfill our Media Criteria, we may have to decline your registration.