- Number of exhibitors
- 480 <Domestic : 234, Overseas : 246> (421 in 2014 <Domestic : 219, Overseas : 202> )
- Number of booths
- 2,009 booths (1,715 booths in 2014)
- Display gaming titles
- 1,283
- Number of Visitors

- Number of Visitors (2006 - 2015)

- The Number of Media / Reporters

- The Number of Overseas Media

- For further information
- Worldwide
TGS Overseas Management Office (OMO) c/o Space Media Japan Co., Ltd.
5-1-2F, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
Fax : +81-3-3512-5680
Phone : +81-3-3512-5670
E-mail : tgs@smj.co.jp
- Hong Kong
TGS Overseas Management Office (OMO) c/o Nikkei Business Publications Asia Ltd.
Suite 1803, 18th Floor, Chinachem Exchange Square No. 1 Hoi Wan Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Fax : +852-2574-8175
Phone : +852-2575-8301
E-mail : events@nikkeibp.com.hk
- Taiwan
TGS Overseas Management Office (OMO) c/o Service Industry Promotion Center, TAITRA
10F 333 Keelung Rd. Sec.1, Taipei, Taiwan
Fax : +886-2-2757-7261
Phone : +886-2-2725-5200
E-mail : georgechou@taitra.org.tw
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