sence of wonder night



Fantastic Contraption

Northway Games and Radial Games  カナダ〔カナダ〕

1: ゲーム制作に携わることになった経緯はどうだったのでしょうか
Radial Games are the creators of ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS and Monster Loves You. Northway Games made Incredipede and the Rebuild series. We've both been indie developers since 2008, but this is our first game together.
2: SOWNにエントリーしたゲームの制作(完成までではなく、ゼロから発表の時点まで)にどれくらい時間がかかりましたか?
We started Fantastic Contraption VR in August 2015 and released it in April 2016 with the HTC Vive. We still aren't done...
3: どうやってゲームのアイディアを思いついたのですか?
We wanted a room-scale VR game where you'd make big motions with your hands and walk around a lot in one area. We knew physics would be fun to play with, and building huge things would feel really cool in VR.
4: どの開発ツールを使いましたか?
Fantastic Contraption VR was written in Unity with OpenVR. We first developed using a Vive, and now we are porting to Oculus Touch.
5: 以前作ったゲームとプレゼンした作品の大きな違いはなんでしょうか?
This is our first virtual reality game, and has changed how we think about user interfaces and how a game feels to interact with.
6: ゲーム開発者としての今の目標は何ですか?
With this game we wanted to try something new. Our goal was to learn about VR and become known as virtual reality developers.
7: SOWNでのプレゼンテーションにあたり、ファイナリストに選ばれたことや抱負など、来場予定のオーディエンスに向けたメッセージをお願いします。
We are so happy to be selected for SOWN! It's a true privelege and a wonderful opportunity to visit one of our favorite places in the world.

