Press Registration / Download Center

Press Registration and Reporting Rules

Press Registration

Press are welcome to cover the exhibition from 10:00 on September 26 (Thu.), the first day of the exhibition (coverage is possible on any of the four days of the exhibition).
Press wishing to cover the exhibition are requested to register in advance. We will inform you of the URL when the registration site opens (scheduled for early August).
If you do not receive any notification from TGS Press Office, please send an e-mail to the TOKYO GAME SHOW Press Office (, stating that you wish to cover TGS2024.
When we receive a request for an interview, we may ask you to submit examples of your past TGS coverage or articles about games.
We would appreciate it if you could prepare them in advance.

For inquiries, please contact


Press Coverage Rules and Regulations

Press pre-registration for TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 is limited to those who fall under any of the following categories ① through ⑥ below.

  • Editors, reporters, and photographers of newspapers and publishing companies
  • Editors, reporters, and staff members of Internet news or information website production companies established by corporations
  • Television program production companies, reporters, and filming staff, including BS, CS, and cable TV
  • Radio program production companies, reporters and staff
  • Writers and cameramen who have a contract with the above editing/production companies or editorial departments for news gathering
  • Filming models and performers involved in news gathering and program production
  • *Advertising agencies, business and advertising sales departments of newspapers, publishing companies, TV stations, and radio stations, PR firms, research firms, securities analysts, and those who distribute or post on SNS or video channels are not eligible.
  • *TGS Press Office reserves the right to refuse registration for coverage if it determines that the applicant does not meet the coverage rules.

For Covering or Filming the Event

Photography and video may be taken in the exhibition halls, but if the person in the photo or video can be identified, please obtain permission from the person in question or process the image so that the person cannot be identified.
In addition, please follow the rules and regulations of each exhibitor's booth for coverage, filming, distribution, etc.

Download Center

You can download TGS2024 logo, photos, etc. Login information will be provided to those who request it.
Please contact TOKYO GAME SHOW Press Office ( by e-mail. Please include the name of the media organization you belong to or are under contract with, your position, and other information that shows you meet our coverage regulations.

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