Sense of wonder Night 2019


SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT (SOWN) 2018 throws spotlights on game developers to draw wellspring of ideas which may stir the static concept of the game. In other words, SOWN 2018 will find out the game ideas causing “SENSE OF WONDER”. To make such unique ideas widely known, SOWN 2018 would provide a presentation opportunity for game developers with unique ideas at TOKYO GAME SHOW 2018. SOWN 2018 commemorates the 11th anniversary with internationally increasing applications.

Last year,Total of 8 presenters had been selected presenters out of 64 Indie Game Area exhibitors. Nomination process was conducted through the screening committee consists of indie game experts, creators and publishers inside and outside of Japan. 8 presenters from 4 countries/regions were selected. Countries of nomination were as follows: four from Japan, each one from United States, Austria, Spain. 373 people attended SOWN 2017, where the venue was packed with excitement and international atmosphere applauding each presentation by shaking toy hammers!

"Audience Award" "Best Technological Game Award" "Best Arts Award" "Best Experimental Game Award" "Best Game Design Award" "Best Presentation Award" trophies were given in the end and all of eight developers enjoyed networking at International party + Indie Night with attendees and screening committee members.

The entire applicants for the SOWN2018 are set to be entered as prospective exhibitors for Indie Game Area(Type A) at the TGS2018. Furthermore, the presenters for the SOWN2018 will be chosen from the applicants elected as the exhibitors of Indie Game Area(Type A) according to fair screening in line with the regulation of TGS.


To introduce game with a game design and ideas that are experimental and creative, and that cannot be called conventional or traditional

To raise awareness of the great value of "sense of wonder" in games, which may transform the common sense of game, and lead to invigorate the game industry

To offer people creating experimental games opportunities for the future product release

To create new domains in the game industy

Why don't you show your idea to the Tokyo Game Show audiences who come from everywhere in the world?

And we would like you to be inspired by other presenters and audiences and find new experience and network at SOWN 2018.


The “SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT” event has received a lot of inspiration from the “Experimental Gameplay Workshop” that was started at the Game Developers Conference in 2001. We would like to express our thanks to the many people who helped to make these workshops a success and to all our friends.

Games for SOWN

  • A game that realizes a totally new, never-seen-before gaming experience

    A game that employs technologies that have not previously been used successfully, such as natural language processing, physics engines, image recognition or gesture control, to present a new kind of experience.

  • A game that challenges the common sense of games

    A game that pursues new ways of gaming expressions and changes the player's vision of the world after playing and experiencing it.

  • A game with emergent features

    A game that brings user's activities into the game world by embedding features such as AI interactions and social elements.

  • A game that makes people want to play it immediately

    A game that makes everyone thinks that they want to enjoy the new experience for themselves and feel that they want to treasure it.

  • An amazing game

    Any kind of new, eye-grabbing and impressive game!!

Games to which the following conditions apply will NOT meet the selection criteria:

  • A game in which only the elements comprising the game are the key factor

    A game in which the newness and highlights are focused on the one elements comprising the game (such as the background setting, situation, character design, graphics, story, audio, etc.) instead of the game itself.

  • A game of a new genre created by combining or rehashing existing genres

    However, a game providing a truly new game experience may be considered for acceptance.

  • A game that is new only in targeting a specific user group

    A game will not be deemed as being new and innovative just because it is focused on a specific user group (such as female users or the elderly). However, a game providing a truly new game experience may be considered for acceptance.

  • A game created for the purpose of demonstrating a technological innovation, experimental business model, or distribution mechanism

    A game of this kind will not be completely rejected from the screening process but they must demonstrate that it is capable of directly and tangibly providing a new game experience.


Sense of Wonder Night 2019 Secretariat :

(Only e-mail inquiries will be accepted)