Presentation Outline
125 submissions from 23 countries and regions! and 9 titles are selected.
- Date
- September 20(Fri) 17:00-19:30
- Venue
- Hall 7, Cyber Games Asia Special Stage, Makuhari Messe.
- Admittance
- Please show your business day badge at the entrance.
- Seats will be available with first come first serve basis on the day.
Admission is not likely to be available in case of full.
- On September 20(Fri.) 5:00 pm-7:30 pm, The SOWN presentation will be covered(live) on streaming video.
Presentation Movie (Archive)
※Alphabetical order
Hiroyuki Nakamoto
Project Chu-Ta
【Gaming Concept and Outline】
We developed an interface in the form of a soft stuffed animal. It is possible to measure pressure with its internal sensor.
By wrapping the sensor in a rubbery material, a soft feeling was created. We developed “Chuta and Mysterious Cave” that use that soft feeling.
Players take on the role of the mouse named Chuta, who has been asked to bring an old man to a village. They operate the interface, run through the mysterious cave, and avoid obstacles while bringing the old man to the mouse’s village.
Boggs Joshua
Loveshack Entertainment
【Gaming Concept and Outline】
Framed' is a narrative-puzzle game, presented as an animated graphic novel. As each scene in the story unfolds, players can rearrange the panels on each page, changing the outcome of the narrative. This results in a unique interactive narrative where each action is framed by the last, and the player's imagination carries the story between each panel.
Kenta Hamaguchi & OECU Takami-Lab
〔Japan〕【Gaming Concept and Outline】
This is an attempt to integrate musical performances with a game. Our intention is to express the enjoyment of playing various musical instruments, the happiness of producing sounds, the pleasure of playing in ensembles, and the delight of becoming proficient. The musical scales of the various sounds produced by musical instruments are detected in real time, chords are also detected, and those results are used to control the game screen. Essentially, musical instruments for performing songs serve as the game controller, and the game screen flows along enjoyably and pleasantly like a song.

Eddie Lee
Funktronic Labs
【Gaming Concept and Outline】
Spiral into audioreactive obscurity as you are transported to a mysterious and melancholy land. Kyoto is a short, interactive ambient puzzle game that serves as an homage to the magical city of Kyoto, Japan.

Danielle Marie Swank
Barking Mouse Studio
【Gaming Concept and Outline】
Lost Toys is a 3d puzzle game for introverts where it’s your job to fix the broken and jumbled toys around you. With a beautiful soundtrack and a diverse set of artistic influences from Rene Magritte’s The Treachery of Images to Margery Williams’ The Veleteen Rabbit, Lost Toys is a game that encourages introspection.

Mario.von Rickenbach
〔Switzerland〕【Gaming Concept and Outline】
Mirage is an explorative game about a hungry top hat who explores his surreal surroundings. By grabbing feet, eyes and other body parts along the way, the top hat learns to see, hear and feel the world through his own senses. And most importantly, the growing creature learns to eat popcorn. This tasteful sensory experience is currently in development for digital devices.

Albert Bor Hung Shih
〔USA〕【Gaming Concept and Outline】
What if you could use forced perspective to your advantage? Manipulate size and space with your perspective while you traverse the landscape of a mysterious museum. In this peculiar puzzle game, the only thing you can expect is to think outside the box.
Owen Wu
Qubit Games
【Gaming Concept and Outline】
Space Qube is a voxel based retro shooting game with an in-game editor which allows the players to create anything they can image and use it to play game. The players can also share the creations via various social networking platforms and 3D print out their creations with just one tap.
In Space Qube, every player can create their own unique space ship to play the game and every player created spaceship wouldn't be the same. The player created space ship is not only different on appearance but also on attributes. The less voxels the players use to build the space ship, the faster but weaker the space ship will be and vice versa. So every player can build the space ship which is best fit to the player.
3D printing is another amazing feature of Space Qube, the players can send their creation to print out without exiting the game and the printed model will deliver to the players directly.

〔Japan〕【Gaming Concept and Outline】
This is an innovative fishing game in which the less often you start up the application, the bigger fish you catch.
How long can you wait without starting up the application?
This is the point of the game.
So, shut down the application and enjoy your own time.
Please forget about the application if you can.
※Presenters are subject to change.
Initial screening nominates
※Alphabetical order
安本 匡佑
〔Japan〕Gabriel Tay
DigiPen Institute of Technology (DigiPen Team Wakka9)
〔Singapore〕Muhammad A.Moniem Helmy
〔China〕斉藤 大地
MURA Interactive LLC
〔USA〕Keith Maue Tallon
DigiPen Institute of Technology (DigiPen Team Neat Snake)
UCLA Game Lab
Spaces of Play
〔Germany〕Erin Robinson
Ivy Games
〔USA〕土田 正成
〔Japan〕石川 晃
〔Japan〕Geert Nellen
Digital Dreams
〔Italy〕Joshua Birse
Current Circus
〔Australia〕Fernando Ramallo
Fernando Ramallo & David Kanaga
〔Argentina〕Russell Dominic George
Arcane Kids
〔USA〕Pohung Chen
DigiPen Institute of Technology (DigiPen Team Widdershins)
〔USA〕Robert Yang
〔USA〕Charlie Kim Ngo
DigiPen Institute of Technology
〔USA〕Chris John Cornell
Paper Dino Software
Vested Interest
〔USA〕Dajana Dimovska
KnapNok Games
〔Denmark〕Ryan Green
Ryan Green and Josh Larson
〔USA〕Andreas Zecher
Made by Pixelate
Mimicry Games
〔Denmark〕三木 康暉
〔Japan〕Michael Christatos
Golden Ruby Games
〔USA〕佐野 勝哉