ビジネスデイ:2014.9.18[Thu]19[Fri] 一般公開:2014.9.20[Sat]21[Sun] 会場:幕張メッセ
TOP To Exhibit Sense of Wonder Night
A game that employs technologies that have not previously been used successfully, such as natural language processing, physics engines, image recognition or gesture control, to present a new kind of experience.
A game that pursues new ways of gaming expressions and changes the player's vision of the world after playing and experiencing it.
A game that brings user's activities into the game world by embedding features such as AI interactions and social elements.
A game that makes everyone thinks that they want to enjoy the new experience for themselves and feel that they want to treasure it.
Any kind of new, eye-grabbing and impressive game!!
A game in which the newness and highlights are focused on the one elements comprising the game (such as the background setting, situation, character design, graphics, story, audio, etc.) instead of the game itself.
However, a game providing a truly new game experience may be considered for acceptance.
A game will not be deemed as being new and innovative just because it is focused on a specific user group (such as female users or the elderly). However, a game providing a truly new game experience may be considered for acceptance.
A game of this kind will not be completely rejected from the screening process but they must demonstrate that it is capable of directly and tangibly providing a new game experience.