参展公司新闻 [Server Solution Vendors]

alibabacloud<server solution vendors>

Founded in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com) is the digital technology and intelligence hub of Alibaba Group. Alibaba Cloud provides a full range of elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization services, large-scale computing, security, management and application services, big data analytics, machine learning platforms, IoT services and more with customers around the world.
Alibaba Cloud has been recognized by IDC as the world's third largest service provider in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) segment since 2018. In addition, Gartner has recognized Alibaba Cloud as the world's third-largest IaaS provider by revenue and the number one IaaS provider in Asia Pacific since 2018.
We have been focused on the gaming industry since our inception, providing gaming-specific solutions and supporting the infrastructure of global titles in around the world.


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