Selected Indie 80 [Communication]

  • Communication
  • Others

Mirror Of Terror

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A game for two players. You've wandered into the Mirror of Terror. By acting the roles of the person "in front of the mirror" and "reflected in the mirror" for a play time, you can escape the mirror's curse. The person in front of the mirror strikes poses, and the person reflected in the mirror imitates them. Score points for synchronization. Please play with your friends or family.

Judges' Comments

It will show new possibilities for physical games!

Real-space motion sync game. You two become the protagonists. Started with the concept: "People can understand each other by facing one another." Let's create a new world of synchronization together!

  • Adventure
  • Communication


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这是一款冒险游戏,讲述了缩小到拇指大小的小矮人与比他们大几十倍的女孩冴子之间的关系。 作为新来的小矮人,你将和其他小矮人一起住在她的书桌抽屉里。

Judges' Comments

The novel concept of being kept by a giant woman is enough to attract interest. It is a strange adventure game.

能够入选 "Selected Indie 80",我们深感荣幸!我们希望能有更多的人喜欢这款游戏,因为它拥有独特而强大的元素,我们为此付出了巨大的努力。

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