Selected Indie 80 [Shooting]

  • Shooting
  • Fighting

Haneda Girl

Exhibitors Name : 
Platform : 
PS5/4 , Nintendo Switch , Steam

Haneda Girl, team up with the combat robot M.O.T.H.E.R to save the Data Empire from the threat of the Hackernauts! Haneda Girl is a 2D pixel game with frenetic action and platforming. Switch between Haneda Girl and M.O.T.H.E.R in a cooperative exchange game, approach each situation in infinite ways. The goal is not just to achieve, but to aim for a high score with the beauty of the strategy!

Judges' Comments

The fluttering sound and art style caught my attention!

Addictive game loop and tight controls with a techno beat that will boost your fighting spirit. A spin-off of "Narita Boy."

  • Action
  • Shooting

Mecha Force

Exhibitors Name : 
Platform : 
Steam , Meta Quest 2 , Meta Quest 3

「Mecha Force」是一款让玩家扮演巨大机器人的驾驶员,体验与敌人激烈战斗的VR游戏。同时融合了Roguelite要素与动作要素,进行改装与武器搭配制作出只属于自己的机甲迎接挑战。

Judges' Comments

Kudos for making a real robot game in VR!

操纵超级机器人是我多年的梦想。「Mecha Force」是开发团队理想的结晶。喜欢机器人游戏的玩家千万不要错过!

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