Selected Indie 80 [Real-Time Strategy]

  • Action
  • Real-Time Strategy

Honey Pot

Exhibitors Name : 
VRMonkey  (Brazil)
Platform : 
Meta Quest 2 / Meta Quest 3


Judges' Comments

The core of the game is a tower defense game, but by making it VR + Coop, it seems to show new possibilities. lots of elements and fun atmosphere for a VR game.

进入沉浸式的《蜂蜜罐》世界,这是一款合作动作策略VR游戏,你和你的朋友们将成为保护蜂巢免受猎熊侵害的蜜蜂。 飞行、收集蜂蜜、建造炮塔、部署毒刺,并使用弓箭攻击,在紧张的战斗中保护蜂后梅莉的领地。 组队、制定策略,并在这激动人心的VR体验中拯救蜂巢!

  • Real-Time Strategy
  • Simulation

Red Rocket Defencism - 绝对火箭防卫主义

Exhibitors Name : 
tiny cactus studio  (Japan)
Platform : 

在这款「革命式基地建设战略游戏」当中,你将成为独裁国家的将校,保护建设中的火箭,不受邪恶的资本主义者魔手所威胁。 为了伟大祖国,举凡贿赂、监视、整肃、饮酒……无论用什么手段,都必须守住火箭!

Judges' Comments

Tower defense type game with unique colors and world view.

Even capitalists can easily play this work. Please try it out.

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